Friday, November 07, 2008

In Response to Prop. 8 (CA)

Happy day. Sad day. But I had a great little laugh thanks to Roy Zimmerman (former member of the Foremen)....and was equally happy to find his website where he really goes after ignorance, war, and greed. Here is his song, "Defense of Marriage"

LISTEN TO THE true and so funny!

Oh. And by the way. He's straight - and married.


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Change Can Happen

Yes we can! Yes we did. A MANDATE!

I believe again. My faith in our democracy is restored. I am overwhelmed with joy.

Congratulations President-Elect Obama! I wish you well!


Monday, November 03, 2008

The First Results are in.....

Well, the first election results are IN!

Dixville Notch, NH.

Grampy McSame: 6 votes

Obama: 15 votes

Usually a strong republican area...kinda wiped the floor up with blue!



Hope. Peace. Believe.

My mother sent this to me - I was so uplifted. We only have one more chance to make this change happen. If you haven't already, YOU MUST GET OUT AND VOTE NOVEMBER 4.

Don't worry about long lines....change is coming.....don't fret about long lines....change is coming....don't fear long lines.....change is coming.

When you feel like you can't wait any longer - think of this song and this video....

Vote! Vote! Vote!
