Friday, November 07, 2008

In Response to Prop. 8 (CA)

Happy day. Sad day. But I had a great little laugh thanks to Roy Zimmerman (former member of the Foremen)....and was equally happy to find his website where he really goes after ignorance, war, and greed. Here is his song, "Defense of Marriage"

LISTEN TO THE true and so funny!

Oh. And by the way. He's straight - and married.



Jim-the Classical Liberal (Views from the Right) said...


Just in case you missed it, your response to my blog on Friday has resulted in some additional comments...

jpb2525 said...

I didn't miss it - I am in the middle of it, sadly. I am glad it has brought traffic to your site and created a topic of discussion.

However you might see it, I have to deal with this kind of bull all the time - I only hope you see it for what it is.

I see you have yet to respond to any of it.

Anonymous said...

i love this guy thank you mom

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving, John! I love and miss you!